Net Zero World
Be Present,Think Forward
Future-proof your business for the sustainable new world with the services and digital solutions of your strategic partner Semtrio.
Turn potential risks into
advantages with Semtrio
Global trade is undergoing a huge transformation, and we are at the heart of it. We provide business-specific key performance indicators (KPIs) and will guide you through the sustainability journey by drawing up a precise roadmap together.

A Certified B Corporation (B Corp)
Environment and community are invaluable for us. We believe that our environmental, economic, and social impact on the planet should be measurable and comparable. As such, we are proud to be one of the highest-rated B Corp companies in the world since June 2021, with a 128.3 rating!
Semtrio is the very sole service provider in Türkiye accredited to CDP in three extents with its digital carbon footprint calculator Co2nnectorPro, alongside CDP's climate and water modules.

As an EcoVadis Approved Training Partner, Semtrio offers strategic advisory to companies aiming for high EcoVadis ratings in Sustainable Business and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
UN Global Compact
Since the day we were founded, we put human rights, nature, and fair working standards at the core of our operations. As a member of the UN Global Compact, a sustainability platform supported by the United Nations, we declare our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and UNGC’s 10 Principles and fulfill our responsibility to humanity and the world.

Climate Positive Business
As Semtrio, we took on the fight against climate change through our own business practices. Through Co2nsensus, we offset all emissions of our employees and operations, compensating for our carbon footprint and proudly carrying the title of Climate Positive Business.
Service provider certified by BSI with superior information security and management performance.
Semtrio protects your privacy in the best way possible while transforming your data into roadmaps that create value.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Community Membership
With its multi-disciplinary and coordinated team, Semtrio walks you through the GRI Reporting process from data analysis to content editing and text design.
Take a look at our services and put sustainability at the center of your company strategy with a zero-carbon approach and turn risks into opportunities!
Climate change caused by carbon emissions poses a risk not only for the world but also for the future of companies. Take the first step towards a low carbon strategy by calculating the emissions of your products and services according to international standards with Carbon Footprint Reports.
As the world is on the verge of a global water crisis, businesses need to play their part by calculating their water footprint accurately and reliably. Start using your resources for the better by identifying water management risks with our Water Footprint Reporting service.
GRI Corporate Sustainability Reporting adds value to your brand by transparently sharing the economic, social and environmental impact you make. Strengthen and report your corporate sustainability strategy in compliance with GRI standards with Semtrio’s expert consultancy team.
The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) offers comprehensive reporting for evaluating the impact associated with all stages of the lifecycle of your products; including raw material supply, manufacturing, use, distribution, and disposal. Get ahead of your competitors in strategic planning and innovation by calculating the environmental impact of your products with our LCA service.
Entegre raporlama, 7 prensibiyle şirketinizin yarattığı, koruduğu ve aşındırdığı bütün değerleri kapsayıcı yöntemleriyle açıklayarak iş dünyasının gereksinimlerini karşılamanıza yardımcı olur. The International Integrated Reporting Framework’a uygun olarak hazırladığımız entegre raporlar ile marka değerinizi ve yatırım potansiyelinizi etkili bir şekilde artırın.
Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu’nun (SPK) yayınladığı Sürdürülebilirlik İlkeleri Uyum Çerçevesi, halka açık ortaklıkların Çevresel, Sosyal, Kurumsal Yönetim (ÇYS) çalışmalarında uyması beklenen temel ilkeleri ortaya koymakta.
Second-party opinion (SPO) is the secondary opinion investors get from institutions specialized in environmental and social sustainability to benefit from green finance resources. Take the first step towards low-cost and greener project management processes with Semtrio’s SPO service.
TCFD recommendations enable your business and all its stakeholders to better understand climate-related risks and opportunities. Bring together your actions, targets, strategy, and plan to fight climate change and create your TCFD report with the perspective of our climate change experts.
The basis of a responsible business is not only focusing on profit but also working towards social and environmental benefit. You can prove your credibility and the effectiveness of your environmental risk management by certifying your carbon transparency with CDP. Take advantage now with our CDP consultancy to showcase your commitment to decarbonization.
We can help you to take your business beyond financial success and add value by guiding you through the process of identifying, analyzing, integrating, and reporting on sustainability opportunities.
Your financial operations are no longer the only factor determining your investment value. ESG assessments reveal your company’s environmental, social, and governance performance by synthesizing qualitative and quantitative data. Attract potential investors with a good ESG risk rating with Semtrio’s ESG consultancy.
ESG kriterlerine bağlı olarak uzun vadeli değer yaratma hedefini gerçekleştiren, meydana gelebilecek risk ve fırsatları iyi yöneten şirketlerin BIST Sürdürülebilirlik Endeksinden yer alması güvenilir bir marka ve yatırım değeri anlamına gelir.
EcoVadis provides sustainability ratings for companies in the fields of environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. We make sure you get a high score by providing your company with policies, actions, and result-oriented strategies throughout the EcoVadis assessment process.
SDG Impact Assessment helps businesses grow brand equity by measuring the impact they make on the Sustainable Development Goals. Disclose the economic, social, cultural and environmental impact of your business with official verification and adapt to changing sectoral dynamics with Semtrio.
Managing your fossil fuel consumption and energy use are of great importance in terms of compliance with global regulations such as the Paris Agreement and European Green Deal. Start working on reducing your carbon emissions and refocus your investments by working with Semtrio’s consultants on carbon management.
Though it is inevitable to cause some amount of greenhouse gas emissions due to the nature of living and producing, we can still neutralize our environmental impact with carbon offsetting. Make the best and most effective decisions for both your company and the planet by contributing to verified carbon offset projects.
As Semtrio, our goal is to contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C and to guide companies with the vision to fight climate change in achieving this goal. Set Net Zero targets for your company with our Science-Based Targets consultancy.
Being a member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance means that your bank is committed to aligning lending and investment activities with net zero emission targets by 2050. Semtrio is ready to support you to become a member bank with its expert finance and sustainability team.
You can increase the environmental credibility and reliability of your products and certify your compliance with international standards with EPDs. Streamline your export processes with Semtrio by declaring the environmental performance of your products throughout their lifecycle.
Cradle to Cradle® certification enables your products to comply with international sustainability standards and to become a part of the circular economy. Develop your products based on Cradle to Cradle® design principles with Semtrio, one of the few experts of the Cradle to Cradle® platform.
Ecolabel is an economic label indicating that your products’ impact on nature is kept within specific limits during their life cycle. Benefit from our Ecolabel service to meet conscious consumers’ expectations while increasing the quality of your products.
AWS is a global network of businesses united within a universal framework focused on the sustainable use of water. Start managing your business' water consumption effectively and reach your water-related sustaibility goals with AWS standards.
Carbondeck is a GHG accounting platform that revolutionizes standard carbon management approaches, offering a simplified path to net-zero transition. It provides a free and always accessible solution for detailed Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions calculations. With features like emission factor customization, ESG reporting, and AI support, Carbondeck delivers solutions tailored to businesses of all sizes and facilitates ease of collaboration in sustainability efforts.
Through Carbondeck's digital solutions, we equip our clients with the most advanced tools to accurately calculate, analyze, and reduce their carbon footprints.
Visit Carbondeck

Being one of the leading sustainability companies in the world means leading the Industry 5.0 transition! We prepare our partners for the changing conditions and turn potential risks into advantages during the transition process.
Acceleration Fund
We support the best ideas in the net zero journey with the Industry 5.0 Acceleration Fund created for academic and private sector projects.
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