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Open a new door into green finance with a
second opinion from Semtrio.
Open a new door into green finance with a second opinion from Semtrio.

Second-party opinion (SPO) is the second opinion investors get from institutions specialized in environmental and social sustainability to benefit from sources of green finance.


The Green Bonds Framework you prepare as an investor includes the use of income, project choice, income management, and reporting. Therefore, you declare why your internal corporate policy and governance systems should be assessed as “green.”

Declarations regarding the project and assets are assessed under the Green Bonds Principles. You can strengthen your declarations regarding the environmental impacts of your projects with the SPO you get from Semtrio.

The Green Bonds Framework you prepare as an investor includes the use of income, project choice, income management, and reporting. Therefore, you declare why your internal corporate policy and governance systems should be assessed as “green.”

Declarations regarding the project and assets are assessed under the Green Bonds Principles. You can strengthen your declarations regarding the environmental impacts of your projects with the SPO you get from Semtrio.

Take the first step towards low-cost and greener project management processes with SPO, opening a new door into green finance!

SPO Process in 3 Steps in 3 Steps


As the Semtrio sustainability team, we schedule a kick-off meeting with you regarding your project and expectations. We assess company activities, sustainability infrastructure, sustainability strategy, and the concerned policies in our meetings.


We review the publicly available documents about your company and project. We analyze the sustainability approach of the Green Bonds Framework you prepared.


As a result of our assessment and research, we offer you our opinion of your project as SPO to be used in investment processes.

Advantages of Getting a Second-Party Opinion

Access to Green Finance

Projects and assets that get SPO will access various sources of finance and investors.

Access to Green Finance

Projects and assets that get SPO will access various sources of finance and investors.


The second opinion you get from the expert sustainability team of Semtrio about the impact of your project within the scope of sustainability will improve the credibility of your company.


The second opinion you get from the expert sustainability team of Semtrio about the impact of your project within the scope of sustainability will improve the credibility of your company.

Compliance with Regulations

Your compliance with the regulations is proved with your SPO, and the “green” projects and assets, as well as their positive impact, are supported.

Compliance with Regulations

Your compliance with the regulations is proved with your SPO, and the “green” projects and assets, as well as their positive impact, are supported.

Why Semtrio?

We are one of the top independent sustainability companies with our interdisciplinary experience.
Expert Finance Team

At Semtrio, we work for you to receive the most productive results with our multidisciplinary finance team which is aware of global developments and uses next-generation methods.

Integrated Approach to

We prioritize the sustainable growth of our partner companies by building a balanced system between factors such as production, profit, consumption, and benefit.

Credibility and

As one of the most respected companies in the industry, we prove your commitment to transparency.


We offer our services based on hundreds of projects we developed and our experience.

Contact us to get more information about Second-Party Opinion and meet with our expert team!


What is Second-Party Opinion (SPO)?

The SPO, also known as the Second-Party Opinion , is the independent assessment of the accuracy of bonds or loans of strategic importance to investors.

SPO ensures regulatory compliance and enables access to various resources and investors, particularly in the green finance field.

What is Green Finance?

Green finance is the resources provided by financial institutions for developing products and projects that do not harm the environment and are environmentally friendly, low-carbon, or sustainable. 

Green finance practices are essential to internalize and successfully manage environmental risks. Green finance is at the heart of the transition process to sustainable development and the circular economy model.

What is Green Bond?

Green bonds are fixed-income financial instruments used to finance projects that have benefits for the environment or climate change issues.

Some of the topics covered by projects funded by green bonds are:
  • Energy efficiency
  • Pollution prevention
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Fishing and forestry
  • Protection of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
  • Clean transportation
  • Sustainable water management

What are the Green Bond Principles (GBP)?

The Green Bond Principles (GBP) are voluntary principles that recommend and promote transparency and integrity in developing the Green Bond market. It was created by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).

There are four critical components for compliance with GBP:
1- Terms of Use of the Fund
2- Project Evaluation and Selection Process
3- Management of the Fund
4- Reporting