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Semtrio - Your Strategic Partner in your Net Zero Journey

We established Semtrio in 2016 to combine our net zero ideals and passion for technology. We are an international company with offices located in Istanbul and London.

Our focus is to support sustainable development by preventing global warming from exceeding 1.5 degrees.

We are keenly aware of how vital decarbonization is for a healthy, habitable world. We provide our customers with strategic guidance within a framework of science-based targets (SBTi) to help them reach their sustainability goals.

We also support the transition to Industry 5.0 with climate-tech solutions which we have developed to prevent climate change and to lead local and global transformation.

We are proud to be the leading sustainability strategy companies in the world
with expert team members, exceptional consultancy services, and high
market share.

Our Commitments

Commitment-B-Certified-Badge-Score Semtrio is one of the highest-rated B Corp companies in the world with a rating of 128!

We are one of the 2500+ companies across the globe, making sustainability our primary mission and benefiting from solid partnership opportunities. Our leading position in the sustainability sector means that we are able to inspire other businesses to achieve their sustainable social and economic goals. Companies with the B Corp certificate are institutions that can demonstrate that they take both their economic, social and environmental performance into both their developmental plans and their actions. B Corp companies play an active role in solving social and ecological issues without waiting for others to take action. They aim to transform the global economy for everyone by changing the dynamics of the business world. Our social and environmental performance were evaluated and certified by the B Corp certification process. In 2021, at the end of this process, we signed the Declaration of Mutual Commitment and became a certified member of the B Corp movement.
With this declaration we aim to:
  • contribute to an impact-oriented economy,
  • take the lead in the transformation of the business world,
  • provide benefit with our product and services,
  • pledge our responsibility for future generations,
and we are proud to be a better company for a better world!
Commitment-UN-Global-Compact-Darken We are very aware of the human rights and environmental responsibilities of the business world and are therefore happy to be a participant in the UN Global Compact. As the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, the UN Global Compact incorporates more than 9500 companies, and Semtrio is one of them. The UN Global Compact calls for companies to make long-term changes for people and the world in their strategies by implementing the 10 principles on human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti-corruption. Environmental sustainability is at the heart of our business, and we conduct our operations in accordance with being a pioneer of sustainability. We declare our commitment to the below-mentioned 10 Principles within UN Global Compact to fulfill our responsibility in sustainable development.
  • Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
  • Principle 2: Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
  • Principle 4: Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.
  • Principle 5: Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labor.
  • Principle 6: Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
  • Principle 8: Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
  • Principle 9: Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Commitment-ClimateBusiness-Colored Semtrio is a climate positive business; in other words, we consistently set our carbon footprint to zero by reducing our company's carbon emissions and more from the atmosphere. As a company aiming to inspire the industry, we start the fight against climate change first within our own business practices. We carry out work to reduce our carbon footprint in all our operations throughout our value chain. We offset the carbon emissions of our employees and processes with Co2nsensus and neutralize our carbon footprint by contributing to carbon offset projects in underdeveloped countries, which play a significant role in their social and economic development. We are proud to be a climate positive business approved by Co2nsensus, thereby minimizing our impact on the environment. Commitment-GRI-Vertical We have been a GRI Community member since 2020; in other words, corporate transparency has been at the core of our services since our establishment. Our GRI Community membership has enabled us to write our customer’s sustainability reports by following the most up-to-date developments on climate change, human rights, and economic development and by constantly updating reports in compliance with GRI standards. Being involved in a network of more than 500 institutions, we are always up-to-date with the latest developments.

At the same time, we strengthen the GRI community by directly supporting the work to improve standards.
As one of the leading companies in sustainability reporting, we are proud to put our signature on impact-oriented, quality work in co-operation with all other GRI Community member institutions.
Commitment-CDP We became the first and only accredited CDP provider in Turkey with 3 categories: Climate Change, Water Security and Software.CDP provides transparent disclosures of environmental impact on a global scale, and through our partnership, we support companies in achieving their sustainability goals.We have empowered our consultancy services by ensuring their credibility and international recognition through CDP accreditation. As part of our support for the transition to a greener future, we offer companies strategic roadmaps to help them achieve higher scores in CDP.We have proven our expertise in 3 different categories on our path to turning potential climate risks into opportunities. Our wide range of innovative solutions contributes to corporate sustainability and helps increase environmental performance.We developed Co2nnectorPro, a cutting-edge digital solution which made carbon management practical with 100% accurate results. We support the Industry 5.0 approach with our pioneering work and climate-tech solutions.
Commitment-B-Certified-Corp Semtrio is one of the highest-rated B Corp companies in the world with a rating of 128! Commitment-UN-Global-Compact-Darken We are very aware of the human rights and environmental responsibilities of the business world and are therefore happy to be a participant in the UN Global Compact. Commitment-ClimateBusiness-Colored Semtrio is a climate positive business; in other words, we consistently set our carbon footprint to zero by reducing our company's carbon emissions and more from the atmosphere. Commitment-GRI-Commitment-Mobile We have been a GRI Community member since 2020; in other words, corporate transparency has been at the core of our services since our establishment. Commitment-CDP We became the first and only accredited CDP provider in Turkey with 3 categories: Climate Change, Water Security and Software.
We are one of the 2500+ companies across the globe, making sustainability our primary mission and benefiting from solid partnership opportunities. Our leading position in the sustainability sector means that we are able to inspire other businesses to achieve their sustainable social and economic goals. Companies with the B Corp certificate are institutions that can demonstrate that they take both their economic, social and environmental performance into both their developmental plans and their actions. B Corp companies play an active role in solving social and ecological issues without waiting for others to take action. They aim to transform the global economy for everyone by changing the dynamics of the business world. Our social and environmental performance were evaluated and certified by the B Corp certification process. In 2021, at the end of this process, we signed the Declaration of Mutual Commitment and became a certified member of the B Corp movement.
With this declaration we aim to:
  • contribute to an impact-oriented economy,
  • take the lead in the transformation of the business world,
  • provide benefit with our product and services,
  • pledge our responsibility for future generations,
and we are proud to be a better company for a better world!
As the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, the UN Global Compact incorporates more than 9500 companies, and Semtrio is one of them. The UN Global Compact calls for companies to make long-term changes for people and the world in their strategies by implementing the 10 principles on human rights, labor standards, environment, and anti-corruption. Environmental sustainability is at the heart of our business, and we conduct our operations in accordance with being a pioneer of sustainability. We declare our commitment to the below-mentioned 10 Principles within UN Global Compact to fulfill our responsibility in sustainable development.
  • Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
  • Principle 2: Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
  • Principle 4: Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor.
  • Principle 5: Businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labor.
  • Principle 6: Businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
  • Principle 8: Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
  • Principle 9: Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
As a company aiming to inspire the industry, we start the fight against climate change first within our own business practices. We carry out work to reduce our carbon footprint in all our operations throughout our value chain. We offset the carbon emissions of our employees and processes with Co2nsensus and neutralize our carbon footprint by contributing to carbon offset projects in underdeveloped countries, which play a significant role in their social and economic development. We are proud to be a climate positive business approved by Co2nsensus, thereby minimizing our impact on the environment. Our GRI Community membership has enabled us to write our customer’s sustainability reports by following the most up-to-date developments on climate change, human rights, and economic development and by constantly updating reports in compliance with GRI standards. Being involved in a network of more than 500 institutions, we are always up-to-date with the latest developments.

At the same time, we strengthen the GRI community by directly supporting the work to improve standards.
As one of the leading companies in sustainability reporting, we are proud to put our signature on impact-oriented, quality work in co-operation with all other GRI Community member institutions.
CDP provides transparent disclosures of environmental impact on a global scale, and through our partnership, we support companies in achieving their sustainability goals. We have empowered our consultancy services by ensuring their credibility and international recognition through CDP accreditation. As part of our support for the transition to a greener future, we offer companies strategic roadmaps to help them achieve higher scores in CDP.We have proven our expertise in 3 different categories on our path to turning potential climate risks into opportunities. Our wide range of innovative solutions contributes to corporate sustainability and helps increase environmental performance.We developed Co2nnectorPro, a cutting-edge digital solution which made carbon management practical with 100% accurate results. We support the Industry 5.0 approach with our pioneering work and climate-tech solutions.
Our Vision Our future goal is to become a company using climate technologies to provide substantial changes in the world to inspire individuals and institutions to adopt more sustainable practices.
About-Us-Future-Dream Our Vision
Our future goal is to become a company using climate technologies to provide substantial changes in the world to inspire individuals and institutions to adopt more sustainable practices.
Our Mission Our mission is to offer efficient and innovative services, enabling the widespread use of carbon-neutral production strategies for a healthy, sustainable future.
Our Mission About-Us-Our-Target
Our mission is to offer efficient and innovative services, enabling the widespread use of carbon-neutral production strategies for a healthy, sustainable future.

Our Values

We value nature.

Our world, which is raising, supporting, and feeding us, deserves much better. The main reason we established Semtrio is to give back our planet and all its inhabitants the healthy life they deserve. We want to continue living again, as a part of nature, in better and greener conditions.

We value transparency.

We dream of a business world in which processes go through mutual supervision and information can be accessed by everyone. We conduct our relationships with our customers, employees, and managers in a transparent, accurate, and understandable way.

We value innovation.

Our services and products are always up-to-date and innovative. We advance our development and improvement processes based on international standards with practical and innovative techniques that set us apart from our competitors.

We value our customers.

Our customers are, for us, as important as the ecosystem that we are trying to protect. We need each other to make the world a better place. We strive to constantly improve ourselves to determine and meet your needs.

We value equality.

We cannot dream of a sustainable world without social equality. We work towards a world that does not discriminate against religion, language, ethnic origin, gender, and we give particular importance to equal opportunities in our corporate culture.

We value nature.

Our world, which is raising, supporting, and feeding us, deserves much better. The main reason we established Semtrio is to give back our planet and all its inhabitants the healthy life they deserve. We want to continue living again, as a part of nature, in better and greener conditions.

We value transparency.

We dream of a business world in which processes go through mutual supervision and information can be accessed by everyone. We conduct our relationships with our customers, employees, and managers in a transparent, accurate, and understandable way.

We value innovation.

Our services and products are always up-to-date and innovative. We advance our development and improvement processes based on international standards with practical and innovative techniques that set us apart from our competitors.

We value our customers.

Our customers are, for us, as important as the ecosystem that we are trying to protect. We need each other to make the world a better place. We strive to constantly improve ourselves to determine and meet your needs.

We value equality.

We cannot dream of a sustainable world without social equality. We work towards a world that does not discriminate against religion, language, ethnic origin, gender, and we give particular importance to equal opportunities in our corporate culture.

Our Achievements

We prepared and published the first EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) document in the denim fabric industry for the ISKO company.

We prepared the PCR document with ISKO Denim, the methodology of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis), and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for producing processed woven fabric from natural fibers.

We conducted the world's first LCA work for natural soda ash and enabled the preparation of LCI data set for the Trona mine.

We prepared and published the first and only EPD document for sodium carbonate and bicarbonate.

We prepared and published the first EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) document in the denim trousers industry for MARTELLI.

We prepared the PCR
document, the LCA and EPD methodology of synthetic and regenerated (man-made) fibers with AKSA Acrylic.

We implemented the
first water footprint verification in the white goods industry.

We implemented the first carbon footprint and corporate sustainability reporting in the gold mining and refinery industry.

We accelerated the LCA work in the construction sector for sustainable buildings.

We became the only
company together with ETİ SODA whom we provided CDP consultancy to take part in CDP Global A-List in 2019.

We combined two concepts within our company, sustainability,
and software, and developed Co2nnectorPro,
one of the first environmental software programs in the world.

We developed the world's first water footprint software and integrated it into Co2nnectorPro.

We saved time by 90% and reduced cost by 80% in ISO 14064-1 carbon footprint and ISO 14046 water footprint processes with Co2nnectorPro.

We received our ISO
14064-1 independent verification certificate for Co2nnectorPro.

We prepared and published the first EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) document in the denim fabric industry for the ISKO company.

We prepared the PCR document with ISKO Denim, the methodology of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis), and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for producing processed woven fabric from natural fibers.

We conducted the world's first LCA work for natural soda ash and enabled the preparation of LCI data set for the Trona mine.

We prepared and published the first and only EPD document for sodium carbonate and bicarbonate.

We prepared and published the first EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) document in the denim trousers industry for MARTELLI.

We prepared the PCR
document, the LCA and EPD methodology of synthetic and regenerated (man-made) fibers with AKSA Acrylic.

We implemented the
first water footprint verification in the white goods industry.

We implemented the first carbon footprint and corporate sustainability reporting in the gold mining and refinery industry.

We accelerated the LCA work in the construction sector for sustainable buildings.

We became the only
company together with ETİ SODA whom we provided CDP consultancy to take part in CDP Global A-List in 2019.

We combined two concepts within our company, sustainability,
and software, and developed Co2nnectorPro,
one of the first environmental software programs in the world.

We developed the world's first water footprint software and integrated it into Co2nnectorPro.

We saved time by 90% and reduced cost by 80% in ISO 14064-1 carbon footprint and ISO 14046 water footprint processes with Co2nnectorPro.

We received our ISO
14064-1 independent verification certificate for Co2nnectorPro.

We prepared and published the first EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) document in the denim fabric industry for the ISKO company.

We prepared the PCR document with ISKO Denim, the methodology of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis), and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for producing processed woven fabric from natural fibers.

We conducted the world's first LCA work for natural soda ash and enabled the preparation of LCI data set for the Trona mine.

We prepared and published the first and only EPD document for sodium carbonate and bicarbonate.

We prepared and published the first EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) document in the denim trousers industry for MARTELLI.

We prepared the PCR
document, the LCA and EPD methodology of synthetic and regenerated (man-made) fibers with AKSA Acrylic.

We implemented the
first water footprint verification in the white goods industry.

We implemented the first carbon footprint and corporate sustainability reporting in the gold mining and refinery industry.

We accelerated the LCA work in the construction sector for sustainable buildings.

We became the only
company together with ETİ SODA whom we provided CDP consultancy to take part in CDP Global A-List in 2019.

We combined two concepts within our company, sustainability,
and software, and developed Co2nnectorPro,
one of the first environmental software programs in the world.

We developed the world's first water footprint software and integrated it into Co2nnectorPro.

We saved time by 90% and reduced cost by 80% in ISO 14064-1 carbon footprint and ISO 14046 water footprint processes with Co2nnectorPro.

We received our ISO
14064-1 independent verification certificate for Co2nnectorPro.


We prepared and published the first EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) document in the denim fabric industry for the ISKO company.

We prepared the PCR document with ISKO Denim, the methodology of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis), and EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for producing processed woven fabric from natural fibers.

We conducted the world's first LCA work for natural soda ash and enabled the preparation of LCI data set for the Trona mine.

We prepared and published the first and only EPD document for sodium carbonate and bicarbonate.

We prepared and published the first EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) document in the denim trousers industry for MARTELLI.

We prepared the PCR
document, the LCA and EPD methodology of synthetic and regenerated (man-made) fibers with AKSA Acrylic.

We implemented the
first water footprint verification in the white goods industry.

We implemented the first carbon footprint and corporate sustainability reporting in the gold mining and refinery industry.

We accelerated the LCA work in the construction sector for sustainable buildings.

We became the only
company together with ETİ SODA whom we provided CDP consultancy to take part in CDP Global A-List in 2019.

We combined two concepts within our company, sustainability,
and software, and developed Co2nnectorPro,
one of the first environmental software programs in the world.

We developed the world's first water footprint software and integrated it into Co2nnectorPro.

We saved time by 90% and reduced cost by 80% in ISO 14064-1 carbon footprint and ISO 14046 water footprint processes with Co2nnectorPro.

We received our ISO
14064-1 independent verification certificate for Co2nnectorPro.
