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Time to Take Action Time to Take Action

As Semtrio, our goal is to contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C and guide businesses that have the vision to fight against climate change to achieve this goal. To achieve this common goal, we set Net Zero targets for your company with our Science Based Targets consultancy.

As Semtrio, our goal is to contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C and guide businesses that have the vision to fight against climate change to achieve this goal. To achieve this common goal, we set Net Zero targets for your company with our Science Based Targets consultancy.

SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative) is a partnership between CDP, UNGC (United Nations Global Compact), WRI (World Resources Institute), and WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature).

As the greenhouse gas emissions emitted into the atmosphere rise, so does global warming. According to the “BUSINESS AS USUAL” scenario, the world will become uninhabitable in 2050.


In this scenario, global warming is predicted to exceed 4°C. We work to create roadmaps for your company and reverse this trend with our SBTi – Science Based Targets consultancy service.

How Do We Achieve Our Target?

How Do We Achieve
Our Target?

It is still possible to prevent this high-temperature scenario by taking global measures and embracing the principles of Science Based Targets. Public and private sector organizations bear a tremendous amount of responsibility to achieve the aim of maintaining the temperature rise at 1.5°C.

Advantages of Setting a Science Based Target

Short, medium, and long-term Science Based Targets have the common vision to limit global warming to 1.5°C.

  • Balancing your company’s economic, environmental and social sustainability strategy with its resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions

  • Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Movement

  • Meeting the financial and environmental expectations of your customers for your exports to the European Union

  • Fulfilling the criteria requested in CDP declaration

The Scope of Our SBTi Service

The Scope of
Our SBTi

Your company’s Corporate Carbon Footprint is calculated
in line with the GHG Protocol.
Your company’s Corporate Carbon Footprint is
calculated in line with the GHG Protocol.
The base year is determined.
In line with the needs and capacity of the company, a targeted amount of reduction and a target year are set. In line with the needs and capacity of the company, a targeted amount of reduction and a target year are set.
The emission scope and categories are defined in line
with the industry you operate in.
The emission scope and categories are defined in line with the industry you operate in.
The SBTi commitment letter including the purpose and scope of the company is signed and submitted publicly. The SBTi commitment letter including the purpose and scope
of the company is signed and submitted publicly.
The targets complying with the SBTi criteria are confirmed
and the application is sent to the organization.
The targets complying with the SBTi criteria are confirmed and the application is sent to the organization.
The extent to which targets are achieved is tracked annually and published in the company’s publicly available resources. The extent to which targets are achieved is tracked annually and published in the company’s publicly available resources.
Reductions are tracked and Science Based Targets
are updated at most every 5 years.
Reductions are tracked and Science Based Targets are updated at most every 5 years.


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Commitment Letter:

We determine together, with our team of experts, which Science-Based Targets set by SBTi will be suitable for your business by analyzing your company’s current situation.

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We apply to SBTi with the ultimate reduction target after completion of analysis and calculation.

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Setting a Target:

We implement the scientific calculation of the reduction target by working together on calculation and emission reduction scenarios for the set target.

Commitment Letter:

We determine together, with our team of experts, which Science-Based Targets set by SBTi will be suitable for your business by analyzing your company’s current situation.

Setting a Target:

We implement the scientific calculation of the reduction target by working together on calculation and emission reduction scenarios for the set target.


We apply to SBTi with the ultimate reduction target after completion of analysis and calculation.

Set your targets now.
Tomorrow might be too late!

Achieve your Net-Zero target with a carbon-neutral company!

We care about climate change and we are among the group of B Corp Climate Collective Net-Zero 2030 companies. At Semtrio, we are proud to be a Carbon Neutral company with a zero carbon footprint.

Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-Climate-Tech Climate Tech software
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-CompanyCarbonFootPrint 100+ company carbon
footprint calculations
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-ISO GHG Protocol and
ISO 14064-1
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-Sector-Experience Independent verification processes with BSI, Rina, BV, Intertek
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal SBTi verification
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-CDP CDP compliance
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-Climate-Tech Climate Tech software
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-ISO 100+ company carbon
footprint calculations
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal') }} GHG Protocol and
ISO 14064-1
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-CompanyCarbonFootPrint Independent verification processes with BSI, Rina, BV, Intertek
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-Sector-Experience SBTi verification
Semtrio-SBTi-Goal-CDP CDP compliance


What is the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)?

SBTi is also known as the Science Based Targets initiative. It was established with the cooperation of CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI, and WWF in 2015.

Science Based Targets initiative, which operates in the field of reducing corporate greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, has the following goals:
  • To set and promote emission reduction and net zero targets based on climate science,
  • Providing technical support to companies that adopt a science-based approach to reducing emissions,
  • To provide independent evaluation and verification services with its expert staff in reducing emissions.

What are Science-Based Targets (SBT)?

The Science Based Targets (SBT), created by SBTi, was established to limit global warming to 1.5°C. For this purpose, rational emission reduction targets based on climate science are determined and verified by SBTi.

SBT supports achieving a carbon-neutral future through the elimination of climate-related risks.

How to Determine a Science-Based Target (SBT)?

The Science-Based Targets (SBT) setting process consists of 5 stages:

1- Application: The commitment letter created at this stage shows the commitment to the goal of reducing emissions as an institution.

2- Setting a Target: Science-based emission reduction targets are determined within the framework of SBTi.

3- Verification: Verification is performed as a result of evaluating the determined emission reduction targets by SBTi.

4- Announcement: Approved emission reduction targets are communicated most effectively to inform the stakeholders.

5- Follow-up and Reporting: After the transparent disclosure of corporate emissions, they are followed up and reported transparently at regular intervals.

What Are the Emission Scopes in Science-Based Targets Based On?

When setting a Science-Based Target (SBT) for companies that want to join the fight against global warming, their Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions must meet the relevant requirements: 

Scope 1 and 2: Compliance to limit global warming to 1.5°C. 
Scope 3: Compliance to limit global warming to well below 2°C. 

An SBT is required to include Scope 1 and 2 emissions. 

For the SBT setting, Scope 3 is voluntary-based. However, it becomes mandatory when Scope 1 and 2 emissions account for 40% or more of total corporate emissions.