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Compensate for the environmental impact of your business

Supporting voluntary emission reduction (VER) projects for carbon offsetting is one of the easiest and most effective ways for your business to take part in the fight against climate change.


But, what does carbon offsetting exactly mean?

Carbon offsetting is a mechanism that compensates for the unavoidable emissions caused by your operations by reducing them elsewhere in the world.


An internationally accredited carbon offset project contributes to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals developed by the UN, such as improved air and water quality and reduced energy consumption

Become an Environmentally
Responsible Company by
Carbon Offsetting

It is inevitable to cause some amount of greenhouse gas emissions due to the nature of our daily habits and production processes. However, we can still minimize and even neutralize our environmental impact via carbon offsetting.

It is inevitable to cause some amount of greenhouse gas emissions due to the nature of our daily habits and production processes. However, we can still minimize and even neutralize our environmental impact via carbon offsetting.

Today, the global climate crisis is
everybody’s concern.

Responsible businesses have already started to take action and become a part of the solution instead a of being a
part of the problem.


By making investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, reforestation and community-based projects, you can help protect the world's resources and its most vulnerable inhabitants while calculating your carbon footprint and making up for its impact.

Roadmap to Reaching Carbon Neutral

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We calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of your business and identify your carbon footprint.

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We help you offset your remaining carbon footprint by investing in emission reduction projects taking place in developing countries.

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We provide realistic and innovative solutions for you to reduce your carbon footprint.

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Having completed the process, you can share your carbon-neutral status with your target audience, raise awareness, inform your stakeholders, and inspire your competitors.


We calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of your business and identify your carbon footprint.


We provide realistic and innovative solutions for you to reduce your carbon footprint.


We help you offset your remaining carbon footprint by investing in emission reduction projects taking place in developing countries.


Having completed the process, you can share your carbon-neutral status with your target audience, raise awareness, inform your stakeholders, and inspire your competitors.

Carbon Offsetting Benefits Both The

Environment And Your Business

You can make a Carbon Neutral statement by offsetting the unavoidable emissions of your company's activities, products, or specific operations.


Becoming carbon-neutral is key for many leading, environmentally conscious companies; however, it is not easy to achieve this goal while carrying out ongoing operational activities. With carbon offsetting, Semtrio helps you neutralize the impact of your emissions through internationally accredited emission reduction projects and reach your “Carbon Neutral” target.

To help you reach your carbon-neutral product target, we calculate emissions caused by your products throughout their lifecycle regardless of the sector, from household appliances to precious metals, from textile to food. We make sure that their unavoidable emissions are compensated via certified emission reduction projects.

Events, especially large organizations that require participants to travel long distances, generate large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions associated with many factors such as the venue, food, transportation, and energy consumption. We ensure that your events are carbon-neutral by calculating their emissions accurately and presenting reliable projects to compensate for them.

Why Semtrio?

  • Carbon Neutral Company

    We have been offsetting our own carbon footprint since our establishment and are proud to be a Carbon Neutral company.

  • B Corp Climate Collective Membership

    We continue to operate in line with the Net Zero 2030 target with our certified B Corp membership.

  • Gold Standard Registry Membership

    We offer genuine, verifiable, and measurable projects that contribute to sustainable development with our Gold Standard Registry membership.

  • Verra Registry Membership

    We guarantee the transparency and traceability of projects with our Verra Registry membership.

  • First-Hand Access to Carbon Offset Projects

    We provide direct access to the certificates of the carbon offset projects we offer and make them available for your use.

  • Comprehensive Carbon Offset Portfolio

    We offer a wide portfolio of carbon offset projects taking place in a variety of countries from South America, Africa, Asia and Turkey.

Reach out to get detailed information about Carbon Offsetting and meet our team of experts!



What is Carbon Footprint?

The carbon footprint represents greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions released because of human activities in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

Carbon footprint is divided into two as individual and corporate.
The individual carbon footprint covers personal emissions from transportation to domestic energy consumption.
The corporate carbon footprint covers the emissions from all activities of the companies.

Carbon offsets are used to balance or compensate for the carbon footprint.

What is Carbon Offset?

The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere due to human activities is increasing daily. These emissions can be compensated by contributing to carbon offset projects. This process is also called carbon offsetting.

A carbon offset is the compensation of the emissions by supporting global sustainability projects. These projects include afforestation, solar energy, wind energy, and social support projects.

The carbon offset practices can be used to compensate for both corporate and individual emissions.

What Does It Mean to Be Carbon Neutral?

Carbon neutral refers to situations where all emissions caused are compensated by carbon offsetting.

The carbon dioxide equivalent of the emissions emitted must be offset from the atmosphere to be carbon neutral.

What are Carbon Offset Projects?

Sustainability projects at the global level that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are called carbon offset projects. 

Carbon offset projects are approved by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Gold Standard (GS) . These institutions have project certification processes that ensure the reduced emissions are accurate and reliable. 

Internationally proven carbon offset projects are essential for carbon management.